Author: Master Mason
Happy Birthday Brother Luster!Happy Birthday Brother Luster!

Today we honor a great man and Mason on his 90th birthday. Glenn Luster has been an integral part of Lewisville Masonic Lodge No. 201 for many years. He was awarded the Golden Trowel by our lodge for spreading brotherly love everywhere he goes. He is one of the best known, and smoothest talking, Mason’s at our lodge. Thank you Glenn for all your service to our lodge and our community over the years. You are a true brother and a great friend. We all hope you have a wonderful birthday and we promise to buy you a cup of coffee at Whataburger the next time we see you there!
2017 Christmas Party2017 Christmas Party
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2017 Officer Installation June 24, 2017 High Noon2017 Officer Installation June 24, 2017 High Noon
Our 2017 Officer Installation is tomorrow with the meal starting at noon. We will be having great food and even better fellowship. This event is open to friends and family so bring them out and we will see you soon!
Lewisville Masonic Lodge’s 2017-2018 Officer Installation Ceremony
Lewisville Lodge No. 201 A.F. & A.M.
603 Manco Road
Lewisville, TX 75067
Saturday, June 24th 2017
Fellowship at 11:30 A.M.
Lunch at 12:00 P.M.
Installation at 1:00 P.M.
2016 Bullseye Pistol Match2016 Bullseye Pistol Match
When: Saturday August 6, 2016
Where: Dallas Pistol Club
1830 West Belt Line Rd
Carrollton, TX 75006
Time: Registration 8:30am – 9:45am
Competition Begins 10:00am (rain or shine)
Details: Click Here for tournament flyer
Price: $35 Early Registration or $40 On Site
Your choice of any Pistol Caliber (.45 Caliber and Under)
- All competitions will be open caliber from the 25 Yd Line
- NRA 500 Point Match (50Rds)
- Bulls Eye Targets with timed stages of fire.
- No Quick Draw
1st Prize $60.00 & Trophy
2nd Prize $35.00 & Trophy
3rd Prize Trophy Only
1st Prize $50.00 & Trophy
2nd Prize $25.00 & Trophy
3rd Prize Trophy Only
1st Prize $40.00 & Trophy
2nd Prize $25.00 & Trophy
3rd Prize Trophy Only
**Optional $10.00 5-Shot Turkey Neck Shoot Tournament after the Match, with gift certificates for prizes.
Stonecutter Bowling Tournament January 30, 2016Stonecutter Bowling Tournament January 30, 2016
When: Saturday, January 30, 2016
Where: AMF Lewisville Lane
1398 W. Main Street
Lewisville, TX 75067
Click Here for 2016 Bowling Tournament Flyer
Early-bird Registration available now: $35 Adults & $15 Children or $40 Adult registration closer to the event. Click here or on the bowling picture to register.
Lewisville Lodge is hosting it’s 1st annual Stonecutter Bowling Tournament at AMF Lewisville Lanes. This event is going to be a real fun filled evening. Teams and individuals will compete for great prizes in a variety of different categories from best dressed team to highest score.
Feel free to register even if you don’t plan to bowl because there will be, pizza, drinks, prizes, and more for everyone who registers. Your funny shoe rental is even included.
We thank you for supporting Lewisville Lodge No. 201 in its fundraising efforts that benefit local children and charities.
Stonecutter Classic Golf Tournament May 7, 2016 at 8:00amStonecutter Classic Golf Tournament May 7, 2016 at 8:00am
The Annual Stonecutter Classic Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday May 7, 2016 with a shotgun start at 8:00am.
You can Click Here to Register as a Player or on the Stonecutter Classic Logo for more information and to register for this event.
Click Here for Sponsorship and Registration Forms
Player and team registration is now open and we encourage all brothers to join in this event either as a player or assist the team that is putting on the event.
We really need help selling teams for the event and we want this event to be a big success so if you or your company can sponsor a team please take time to join this worthwhile cause and go golfing to help support our lodge and our affiliated charities.
Bring a Friend to Lodge Saturday November 14, 2015Bring a Friend to Lodge Saturday November 14, 2015
Lewisville Lodge is opening it’s doors for an detailed look at our lodge and our beloved Fraternity.
This event is open to Masons and Non-Masons alike. Please bring a friend and join us as we shed some light on Masonry for those who would like to know more about who we are and what we do.
When: Saturday November 14, 2015
- Donuts at 9:00am
- Program at 10:00am
- Lunch at noon
Where: Lewisville Lodge No. 201
603 Manco Road
Lewisville, TX 75067
- History of Freemasonry in Texas
- Philosophical Principles of Freemasonry
- Freemasonry rituals and a look at the lodge
- Philanthropic Efforts of Freemasonry
Garage Sale Nov 6th and 7thGarage Sale Nov 6th and 7th
When: November 6th 7:30am to 3:30pm, November 7th 7:30am to 1:00pm
Where: 603 Manco Road, Lewisville TX 75067 (The Lodge)
Details: Please begin gathering your slightly used and unwanted items for the next lodge garage sale. We will begin collecting items at the lodge starting on Wednesday November 4th.
We also need help from the membership on both Friday and Saturday to manage the garage sale. If you are able to help out on the day of the event please Sign Up by Clicking Here